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Hold Fast: CCC's Street Art Contest #92


I took this photo while I was in Dublin for a meeting at the conference center. One afternoon I decided to walk from there to the the Jameson Distillery, this was about a 2 mile walk that took me a little off the main streets and through some residential and industrial areas.

I ran into this piece along the way. It is very vivid and you could instill alot of different meanings in it. Could it be political and play on Belfast? An answer to hardships in general?

I like the angle that I got it is almost like the pipe is coming out of the light pole.

I did a little more research to see if there is any sort of movement behind this. I found that the artist is ADW which you can then see at the right side of the artwork. Interestingly enough I took this photo in 2014 but during the lockdown a song came out called Hold Fast from a group called Down From Dublin. A little way into the video a little boy has the same things drawn on his fists. So there must be some sort of popular culture element as the song became the pandemic anthem also.