Street Art form Alexandria, Egypt (5 pics)

Alexandria is a large city both modern thanks to its contemporary library, and classic thanks to the fort of Qaitbay which dates from the 15th-century.

While walking in the city, we have the chance to come across pretty murals made of mosaïque everywhere.

This one, which represents Disney characters is really the most surprising.

No panel explains this fairly recent large fresco, but it certainly catches the eye with the work and thoroughness it took to achieve it...

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It is therefore a wise choice for the CCC's Street Art Contest.

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Near the market, we see this one which is much more classic.

It shows us the way to go look for treasures in the bazaar.

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A little further on during our walk, we see this one who once again, required meticulous work.

I don't know which mural took the longest to make, this one with all these small pieces of the same size or the first with these disparate pieces?

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A last one much simpler, but which makes me want to go to the beach.

Hope you enjoyed my city mosaic tour.

There are surely others to discover, it will be for next time!

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Photo taken with a Canon PowerShot A620.

Follow: @karma-panorama

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