Found on Hawke Street, New Brighton | CCC'S Street Art Contest #205

As a new arrival to Christchurch, NZ, I was lucky to have Felix, my colleague, take me around to show me places, so New Brighton was one of the places he took me to.

It was fun exploring Christchurch, and it's nearby towns.

It was long before he knew I liked graffiti as I took my camera out at every murals that I saw and interested me.

This one is located on Hawke Street, New Brighton.

The artist had Dcypher written at the jaw, and I am assuming that's the artist's name.

I like the colors, the skull painting is impressive 👌 and on the other wall are the other murals which aren't my favorites but for those that enjoy those kinds of graffiti.

With the first image, I am entering for this week's CCC'S Street Art Contest #205.

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