All within your reach | CCC'S Street Art Contest #209

This is one graffiti in Christchurch on Madras Street that I have passed several times without having it photographed until on the 3rd of August when I stopped by there to wait for my friend.

The graffiti is on the Ara Institute of Technology wall and it is inspired by the phrase "Everything you need is within reach, the key 🔑 is who is going to reach it" from what I gathered about the graffiti on the internet.

The artist of this mural is Dcypher, the name sounds familiar, I think I have shared a mural from Dcypher in the past.

With this graffiti, I am entering for this week's CCC'S Street Art Contest.

What Is Hive

We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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