CCC's Street Art Contest # 170 | Doctor with a smiling smiley face on his robe

Hello, friends!
Today I want to show you graffiti depicting a Kaliningrad doctor.

The mural is located at the end of a 9-story building on Moskovsky Avenue. I noticed him when I was walking along the Estakadny Bridge over the Pregolya River.

We had to deviate a little from the original route and come closer so that we could better see the mural. In the evening I found a description of the graffiti on the Internet and read that the mural was painted in August 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The doctor's serious appearance indicates an alarming situation, but the smiley face badge on his robe confirms that everything will be fine.

This is my entry for the photo contest CCC's Street Art Contest # 170 by @digi-me
Camera : Nikon 1 S1
Location: Russia, Kaliningrad
Friends, thank you for your attention, see you soon.
Best regards @irvet

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