CCC's Street Art Contest #204

Hello street-art lovers!

Here is some art from the streets of Ghent!

This first piece is from the Belgium artist KIUW
If you look on his Instagram account It all looks so colorful! So maybe he didn't finishe this piec at that moment!


He has got some single color art on his account so it probably is finished!
Or did I insult the artist now? 🙀

This snail is 5 meters long! At least that is what I think!
I cant find any name of the artist and I am not sure if these two belong together!
*edit: I found the artist that made this piece! It's Cee Pil!


And some random tag's that were in that neighborhood!
Make F art music! I like that sentence! And onderneat that is SoFLR?
I googled it and there were no graffiti results! And now I did another google search and they suggested to look for the word SoFLES graffiti!
Damn he is good! But I don't think this is his tag!




Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!

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