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Yuri Gagarin; the coolest cosmonaut ever. CCC’S Street Art Competition #38

Taking a break from climbing through windows in Kaliningrad, I was actually trying to find a chemist that understood what a “blister plaster” was.

I had foolishly been wearing some new trainers, and they had been rubbing the backs of my heels. I was in agony, have you ever experienced it ? It was that bad the blisters on both feet had themselves worn away. Fuck you Adidas I’m going back to North Face.

I was staying close to the zoo, which was surrounded by streets, I found a chemist, and through exposing my wounds eventually managed to get what I wanted. The lady even put the plasters on for me, now that is customer service!

So off I went I’m glad I did.

One of my boyhood heroes. I followed the exploits of the USSR space programme. I still love all things Russian.

Here are some more, in my opinion not nearly as good they seem a bit corporate

I do love this last one though

I stumbled across a simple line drawing........

......... and what looks like a shadow!


Street art in its simplest most gorgeous form.

I was in need of liquid refreshment, I found a bar, directly opposite this rainy street scene, very cleverly done, very atmospheric, bloody fantastic.

3 beers later I forgot all about my poor hurting feet!
Cheers everyone