CCC's StreetArt [Fixing it for Contest]

Feliz sábado amantes de el arte callejero.

Happy Saturday street art lovers

En el concurso de arte callejero número doscientos ocho cometí un gave error al publicar mi propio graffiti cuando debía ser publicado solo como StreetArt y no para el Contest.

In the street art contest number two hundred and eight I made a gave mistake by publishing my own graffiti when it should have been published only as StreetArt and not for the Contest.

Sin embargo, vamonos a Venezuela con el amigo Yesk-NGM y su asombrosa intervención a este espacio.

However, let's go to Venezuela with our friend Yesk-NGM and his amazing intervention in this space.

Ésto está ubicado en Caracas Venezuela un asombro espacio intervenido con un ambiente tropical y el mono quedó absolutamente brutal!

This is located in Caracas Venezuela an amazing space intervened with a tropical environment and the monkey was absolutely brutal!

El detalle en el pelaje y ojos le da vida al dibujo y este diseño le da vida al lugar!

  • The detail in the fur and eyes brings the drawing to life and this design brings the place to life!

Espero les agrade esta participación y si desean pueden observar el video subido ayer.

I hope you like this participation and if you wish you can watch the video uploaded yesterday.

  • Aquí se ve un poco mejor el lugar donde fué realizado.

Here you can see a little better the place where it was made.

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