This is my entry to CCC's Street Art Contest #135

Hello Street art lovers, I am delighted to be here for the very first time. I never knew there is a community like this. I discovered this community after stumbling upon a friend's post (@ifarmgirl @ifarmgirl/spongebob-et-al) then I decided to make my first post here. It is equally my entry to the CCC's art contest number 35. Click here to join the contest.

The art - St. Anthony Hospitals Ltd

The following are artwork which I captured on the walls of St. Anthony's Hospital Ltd. I do not know the artist, but these artwork done for decoration and illustration purposes captured my attention. St Anthony Hospital is a popular hospital in my City Aba, Abia State Nigeria. Click here to see the hospital on Google map

1. Hand on a child's feet/ Pregnant Mother

The first art is one of possibly a nurse tending to the feet of a sick child. And there is a beautiful flower close-by. The next image is that of a pregnant mother touching her unborn child and feeling emotions for it.

2. Nurse checking a baby's heartbeat

The image above is of a nurse using an instrument to check the baby's heartbeat, while the put one finger in its mouth.

3. Doctor and nurse

The two specialists in this artwork are properly dressed, as if ready to perform surgical operation on a patient.

4. Healthworker and baby

two artworks in one. To the left, a health worker make use of her instrument. To the right side, a baby in a heart-shaped figure with a hand carrying the baby and the heart.

5. A health worker and a medical student

The person on the right is a nurse with a health instrument. To her immediate left is a set of health books, and a medical student to the far left.

5. The hospital name and logo

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