STREET ART #184 – A well-known fox in the city of Aalborg, Denmark

This week I continue with street art from the parking garage in the city centre of Aalborg. Because there are four levels there are so many paintings. Each level has themes from Aalborg. Luckily, I was here with one of my sisters. I wouldn’t have been able to recognize all the places or themes seen in the paintings if I had been here by myself. She could explain to me because she lives in this city. To me it was fun to realize that I do know many places in Aalborg.

September 2023

May 2024

When I was here in September last year, the top level on the roof was not at all finished. This time (May 2024) all possible spaces have a painting. On this side of the fourth level, most paintings show a fox, in different disguise’s, visiting different well-known places in Aalborg. The artist behind the fox is Heft. He is both a street artist and a rapper. In between the paintings with the Fox, there are paintings of colourful sculptures. These are well-known in the city, but not in colors like the paintings. They are made in bronze.

Aalborg Carneval

This Fox seems to have been around in Aalborg! As soon as we enter this level, we noticed the fox. Aalborg arranges Aalborg Carnival each spring. I think it’s well-known. Thousands of people attends. It seems the fox has become the King of Carnival here.

On the photo above, the Fox is jogging and passing a known building – Nordkraft – The building used to house an electricity generating station. Sine 2009 it has functioned as a cultural centre. You will find a cinema, art exhibitions, concerts, café, and a theatre. It has a great location at the waterfront.

The Cimbrian Bull is probably one of the most famous sculptures in the city. He has become a symbol of Aalborg. The name derives from the Cimbri which was the name of a Celtic people. The bull was a symbol of this old tripe who once lived in this part of Denmark. To these people the bull was the god of fertility. The bronze sculpture was paid for by the “Danske Spritfabrikker” / factory producing spirits. The story of the factory is closely connected to the bull. This exact spot where the bull is placed today, was the ground of the factory that had to close in 1931. The bull is associated with strength.

Aalborg is located by a fjord called Limfjorden which divides the city in two. On the southern side the city of Aalborg is located. On the northern side it is Nørresundby. The main bridge is called Limfjordsbroen. It is a bridge that in the middle can open for boats to pass.

Vestre Fjordpark is a large aquatic park with a size of 165.000 square metres. A water park with lots of activities. The location is only a few kilometres from city centre, and by the fjord. This park has been here for approx. 70 years, but it has been renovated and more activities has been added. It's really a great place to spend a day during summer.

Also, this place might be part of Vestre Fjordpark by the Limfjorden. It's located at the same place and houses a club for those who wants to go for a swim during the winter season. I think they call them selves Vikings....

Aalborg Aquavit

Aquavit is a strong alcoholic spirit, produced in Aalborg. Any Dane is familiar with this product, I think.


Gåsepigen is also one of the well-known sculptures, situated on another of the main streets. She was raised in 1937. A young girl with a goose.

Egholm is a small, flat island in the Limfjorden. For children this is a good place to go hunting for trolls. Quite a big troll is hiding somewhere on the island.Veru close to the waterpark, there is a small ferry that will bring both cars and people to the island. But the Fox prefers to paddle.

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Latest street art post, check out :
STREET ART #183 – An amazing visit to Aalborg Zoo - Denmark


Kristiansand, Norway

All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

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