STREET ART #183 – An amazing visit to Aalborg Zoo - Denmark

This huge parking garage that has four levels, lis ocated right in the centre of the city of Aalborg. All four levels have themes and motifs from Aalborg. Last year in September I was here, but only the ground level was completed. The other levels didn’t look as if they were finished. When I was back in Aalborg in May this year, all the the murals were completed.

This is the first level where the cars enter. I was really surprised to see «Aalborg Zoo» painted on this level. When I was here last September, some of the animals were painted, but many of the paintings didn't look as if they were finished. Many emty spaces also suggested there were room for more.

This time they are all completed. Another very cool element the artists have added, is the people in black & white. When standing on this empty level, (no cars parked here on this sunday) you get a feeling of being in the zoo. We are in the gages with the animals. The «visitors» are outside looking at the animals through the bars. The animals are painted on concrete and the people on another material where there is an opening to the outside to let in light.

On the same painting as the animals, some animals have building behind them. All of these are either well-known places or buildings in Aalborg.

My sister and I certainly got the feeling of how the animals must feel like! I have been to Aalborg Zoo – the real one, but it’s many, many years ago. It has existed since 1935. Even my parents who grew up not far from Aalborg, have been there. I guess that the animals painted in the carpark are to be found in the Zoo.

It was a real pleasant surprise to be back here to see all the four levels completed. I have already done a couple of posts from the other levels. I will be back with more from the parking garage.

Links to previous posts from the carpark:
STREET ART #170 – The artist Burnon at a parking lot in Aalborg (Denmark)
STREET ART #169 – Aalborg Carnival is famous (Denmark)

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Latest street art post, check out :
STREET ART #182 – Beautiful street art in Aalborg, Denmark


Kristiansand, Norway

All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

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