A Trip To Green Sabin

Sabin means rice fields or rice fields. It's Javanese language. Green Sabin means a green expanse of rice fields. Green Sabin Park is being opened for the first time and indeed development is currently underway. The nature tourism of this rice field is in Cipaku Village, Mrebet, Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia.

Apparently, a paddy field can be used as a beautiful vacation and tourist spot. Although simple it can be an alternative destination for our trip. To go to this place is very easy to reach because it is right next to Jalan Raya Desa Cipaku. Exactly from Jalan Raya Mrebet in T-junction, if from the direction of the City of Purbalingga we turn left, follow the road and will arrive at Green Sabin.

To enter this tourist location the price of admission is 20,000 rupiah. In terms of places that are still under development, the information will also be built swimming pool in the near future. But, even now this tourist location is good enough so that it has been visited by many tourists.

There are various spots where to take selfies that are very interesting. Large bungalow in the middle of a pond with a unique rope bridge becomes the Green Sabin icon. in addition there is a softdrink exchange canteen that can be exchanged with our entrance ticket. Rows of gazebos are also scattered in many places to become a comfortable resting place. There is also a place for meetings, ideal for both formal and informal meetings.

Not only that, this place is also equipped with adequate facilities. There is a place of worship, bathrooms and toilets as well as a lot of seating that is scattered around the location

But, whatever the story certainly can not describe this place optimally. Your own visit to this place directly will confirm the truth of my testimony. Congratulations to meet Green Sabin.

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