New Zealand Adventure - Drive to Picton

As I looked through all my pictures and memories of this part of my trip, I found some pictures and places which I almost completely forgot about.

This post is about my short but scenic drive to Picton. A tiny town nessled in a small bay on the Northern side of the Island. But honestly it's all too much to put into one post and hopefully after the next post, you'll see why.

As much as my time in Picton was memorable, the drive to and from there was an experience by itself and in my opinion truly had some sights to behold.

This is the beginning of that drive.

Not long after setting off from Nelson the road started to head back inland and towards the hills.



It started to twist and turn between them and before I knew it I was in a valley. There were so many places I could of stopped to admire the view but it would of litetally been stop/start round every bend. Definitely one of the top driving roads but NOT as passenger. 🤢🤮

Not long after, I drove round a blind corner and saw this.


I didn't know at the time but I'd stumbled upon part of the Marlborough Sounds, something that I was going to explore in alot more detail very soon!

This part in particular is the Pelorus sound or "Te Hoiere" and heads all the way out to sea.


I'm glad to see this place more or less untouched by tourism but I find it facinating that I hadn't even heard of this place before literally driving right into it.



As I drove further down, I started to see more boats and signs of human settlement.


I like taking photos from within a car or whatever vehicle I'm in at the time. Why you might ask? Well for me it helps trigger that memory and therefore that emotion in my brain. It's the same reason I don't edit my photos much unless I'm trying to make them look like what I actually saw.



As you can see, despite the tide being out the view is still pretty spectacular.


This seems to be some sort of logging camp?


It was a bit weird to see this kind of thing so close to the coast.

Finally I arrived at Picton.


I know what you're thinking. "That doesn't look that great"... yeh I agree, it doesn't. In fact the hostel I stayed at was well... not exactly first choice. I don't even think it was on the Hostelword app.

But before going to bed, I spotted something which I ended up booking for the next day!

In my next post, I will share my experience in this area and I gaurentee that you will be as shocked as I was when I discovered this hidden Gem!

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