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My best tips for inexperienced travelers!

Hello,friends of the world.

When we are people who like to travel we have learned, with experience, certain tips that
help us develop a more pleasant trip.

I want to
encourage people to travel anywhere in the world. With my advice or some of my
tips, I hope they can have the best experience in the destination country or
the tourist location they will visit.

Not all
places are touristic nor have all the comforts to stay long. But possibly these
places have cultural attractions that we will remember for a lifetime.

I am
Venezuelan and I have a chronic illness. I have had to learn how to prepare my
trip to foresee the greatest amount of obstacles that could be presented to me
because of my nationality.

When we
have learned to travel we know that some reservations are important to save
money and to ensure the enjoyment of the trip.

When we
have learned to travel we know that some reservations are important to save
money and to ensure the enjoyment of the trip.

Source: Modified Pixabay
Source: Modified Pixabay

Below I
will make a brief list of tips for travelers:

Before the trip:

  1. Buy airplane or transportation tickets and travel insurance.
  2. Buy tickets for theme parks, natural parks, or museums.
  3. Reserve accommodation.
  4. Medicines and medical reports in the language of the destination country.
  5. First aid kit.
  6. Body measurements.
  7. Telephone connection with someone in your home country.

During the trip:

  1. International and local currency.
  2. Visit tourist information offices.
  3. Maps and GPS.
  4. VPN.
  5. Hire a guide.

Before the trip:

Buy air or
transportation tickets, and travel insurance
. To buy the air ticket to the country's
destination can be saving and certification of the date of the trip.

If it's a
marine cruise also it’s necessary to make this buy.

For a long
time, tourist services have offered travel insurance that is also important to buy
for any eventuality that may arise during the trip.

Buy tickets
for theme parks, natural parks, or museums. Many times we travel in high
seasons and the places of tourist attractions make advance sales so as not to
collapse the visiting areas. It is important to buy tickets to visit parks or
museums (through the internet, online sales) because if we do not do it, we may
not be able to access those spaces. We have to make sure that the web portal
visited is the official.

of lodging rentals
. If we are going to spend the night in a hotel or hostel we
must make a reservation. This avoids inconveniences in the locality itself.
Many websites offer the characteristics of hotels such as prices, type of
rooms, location, and the services they offer. Having a hotel reservation
guarantees us the tranquility of knowing where the place for our rest will be.

and medical reports in the language of the destination country
. As I'm a
diabetic I have learned to travel with my diabetes medicines. My health and my
body depend on my medicines.

Some time
ago I made a complete post for travelers with diabetes that I recommend you to
visit in the following link Tips for diabetic travelers.

I suggest
to people with chronic diseases to carry twice as many medicines as they need
according to their sightseeing days.

Also, I
suggest having a medical report in the language of the tourist country of
destination to easy its reading at airports, train stations, or anywhere.

transportation of my medications is done by myself. They do not go into the
luggage. So I must always have my medical report at hand.

First aid
. A small first aid kit is a great suggestion.

If we visit
a natural area for a short time and we have our first aid kit, we will not
waste time going to a pharmacy to buy essential things such as alcohol,
bandages, absorbent cotton, some pills for dizziness or vomiting, gauze, etc.
Everyone makes their list of what they can consider for a first aid kit.

traveling, unexpected accidents can occur, and having a first aid kit on hand
can save lives.

your body.
This is very personal advice. I have learned how tall my fourth hand
is, my arms, my body height, and the distance of my steps.

On diving
trips, knowing my body measurements have made it easier for me to work out
small details. For example, how many meters a rope measures, you can do with
your arms. How many meters you are from one key point to another you can do
with the measure of your steps.

With your
body measurements, you can solve problems quickly. Knowing you also avoid
traveling by extra weight like carrying a subway or some measuring instrument.

connection with someone in your home country
. Someone from your country must
know where you are going and how long you plan to stay in a place. Leave a
telephone number where you can be reached (for example, the number of the hotel
where you will be staying). If your return is delayed, that person will call you
to find out what has happened to you.

During the trip:

and local currency
. When arriving at the destination country we must have
international currencies such as the dollar or the euro (the pound sterling is
also well accepted as an exchange currency).

For local
transactions, it's important to have local currencies. We can do this in the
bank, in exchange houses or the reception of the accommodation. We should avoid
black markets because we would be complicit in the mishandling of currency in
the country we visit and may even violate local laws.

cards are also necessary and important for payments. I suggest having them in
their largest of credit at the moment of the trip. Yet, not all the places
accept the credit cards and for that reason, we must have cash.

tourist information offices
. I love to visit these offices. There we can ask
absolutely all our doubts or our concerns about the best places to visit. We
can also ask for suggestions for visits to places that have not been explored.

In these
offices, you can also find souvenirs or items that identify the region at a low

Maps and
. I don't know how to travel without maps. I'm independent and like to walk
around the cities or towns I visit. Maps have made this experience easier for

At the
tourist information offices, they can give you maps as a gift or sell them to
you. You can also get free maps at airports and train stations.

With a map,
we can visit many places more quickly.

The maps of
the subway stations also facilitate our transfers. I have had wonderful
experiences in Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Düsseldorf, Buenos Aires, Rome,
Florence, and in my own country Venezuela, among others.

As for GPS,
it is a more advanced option. The GPS helps to mobilize in own or rented

Source: Own photo
Source: Own photo

have to foresee that some countries have some internet options blocked so it is
important to have a VPN address installed on the phone to be able to access the
GPS and even to make banking transactions.

On the
internet, there are many possibilities for a VPN. Some are free and others are
not. The important thing is to know how to use this technology.

Hire a
. I like to discover the places I visit but many times hiring a local
guide, especially for views of natural parks, is the best option.

When we
visit places and we don't speak the language of that location our communication
can be failed. With a local guide, we can communicate with the natives and
explore more safely the attractions of aboriginal regions.

I hope you
liked my best tips for inexperienced travelers. I still have a lot to learn but
I have loved sharing with you my experiences from so many trips.

If you have
any comments, please write to me and I will be happy to respond.

I have made
this publication to take part in the contest of @invisusmundi. If you want to
share your advice and participate in the contest, you can check the following
link Contest: My best tips for inexperienced travelers.

Image blog @invisusmundi