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The largest Historical Park in the World 🌍


What do you imagine when you hear the word “paradise”?

I’m starting this post with this exact question, because today I’m going to share with you a project which is called “Historical Park”.

Actually I’m not sure is it okay to tell you that this amazing place is a project, because this is one of the most inspiring places that I’ve been to this year and also is an example of how the dreams can come to reality.

This place is the world's largest historical park!

This weekend the park celebrated one year since it’s opening and my friend Chavdar called me that he was going to travel to the Park and also invited me to go with him. Of course I agreed, because I hadn't been there before, but I really wanted to because I know about this place since long time ago.
So my friend and his brother traveled 600 km to get to the Historical Park.


The park is located close to Varna, Bulgaria.
It is about 40 minutes by car.When you get there, you realize how much space it takes up.


You have to know that in Bulgaria, administrations work very slowly, but this is not the case when it comes to private institutions.
As soon as we entered the lobby, we were greeted by polite people and later I found out that these people are actually volunteers.
They showed us a model of the whole facility and asked us what we wanted to see.


We choosed to see the whole park. The price for this is 30 leva, which is 15 euros. I have been to so many places abroad and I think this is a normal price for a place like this.


The Historical Park is only 30% ready at the moment, but there are still many things that can be seen right now.

It makes an impression for all the tourists that even at the moment new monuments are under construction at the park.

One of the first things that impressed me was the artificial ponds that were made. Only 5 years ago there was an empty meadow in this place.


We started with the buildings that represent the Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras.


Unfortunately, two days before our visit there was a flood and we could only look from outside, but not from the inside.


I've been to Madame Tussauds in New York, but this figure definitely looked so real.

Then we went to the Thracian era.


This building is made exactly as the original which is located in Balchik - the Temple of Cybele.
It was considered by the ancient Thracians as Mother Earth 🌍

However, definitely one of the eras that impressed me the most is the “First Bulgarian Empire”.
This is also the most completed building in the Historical Park.

Inside there were exposed wax figures, copies of treasures and knight's armour.



I have to say that besides that the other thing which impressed me a lot were these three paintings. In principle, I am not a paint lover,but knowing Bulgarian history, they made me feel the whole history running threw my veins. I watched them with admiration.




They represent times when our country was one of the most important countries in Europe. I hope one day this will be the same again 🇧🇬


The weather was unique. The photos are not with a filter - just the sky was in the mood.


Then we went to one of the most mysterious places. The three tombs. Unfortunately, I only have photos from the outside, because my phone decided to turn off😡

After that we headed to the horse base, passing through new lakes and looking at new artifacts.


I have never ridden a horse, but I always enjoy their beauty.


As I told you they are still working on the park.

If a person wants, there is a option to rent a boat and to go around.


There is certainly some great things to see. I really recommend it!
This is how we ended our tour inside the Historical Park.

When we went out of the park, we were spiritually charged. It was definitely worth it.
If you are going to visit Bulgaria, this place should be in your list. Here you can find information about the Historical Park’s working hours and programs.


There was a car show in front of the park, which I'll tell you about in one of my next posts. Definitely for those interested in cars it will be quite interesting!


I also wanted to tell you that Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe. We have a centuries-old history filled with ups and downs.

We are people who are friendly, but if we are betrayed, your destruction is certain.
I love my homeland and I hope we never have to go to war, but if we have to, we will defend every inch of our land.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ We are Bulgarians and we will try to conquer the HIVE community and @esteemapp. If you want to help us grow, please delegate us some Hive power! #BGN Community 🇧🇬