Back to sky mozaïc towards Portugal

If you are flexibel and without any fixed destination currently there are a lot of options to travel to in Europe. Sure, it isn't all happy Joy Joy easy compared to other years, but who cares...we are able to go again.

Paperwork, I guess that would be the trending word of going to another country. Finding the guidelines of what needs to be done and what is required, uploading and hoping they all respond fast, and get a QR code to get unto the country.

It needs some effort, but then the sky full of mozaïc is yours again.


Currently I am writing this in the sky at 37000 feet with minor (although more than annoying) turbulence. I guess I am writing something to distract myself from the shaking because I just never get used to that.

The whole principe of 10 km above the ground is still just not a cool idea. Same like heart surgery, we all know it is safe..but just the idea of bypass messes with your brain and doesn't feel comfortable even though we are aware of statistics.

When the shaking is too much (due to the presence of these clouds which elevate air and case waves which are unbalances in the sky...hence turbulence) every now and then I put my writing away and still hold on to the chair. I guess that habit will never leave me and it is still a signal that I will never be 100% comfortable with flying. But hey..we try right?


Go away you shaky clouds!

So Portugal..what do you have in store for us! Well I will be in the Algarve so hopefully loads of beautiful weather, good food and wine and good company.

I really love the vibe of Portugal and I totally get it why so many people move towards here or have a second home. The people are friendly, the surroundings are beautiful and everything is very affordable actually.

I visited Lisboa I guess two years ago for the last time and really liked it. Now will be my first Algarve experience so we will see what happens. You know..maybe one day if crypto... ;))


What is the easy thing, is that Portugal is just easy to visit from the airfield near me. So it does seem attractive to ticket hunt a bit and hop over every now and then when possible.

The Dutch airports on the other hand and covid measures...not so smooth I would say. Im not a panicer about people around me, but having to squeeze through masses to get to your location..I though we had it better arranged than this actually.

If you are cautious about this, for real then airports are not fot you as yet. Travelling by car is such a better option than still for keeping yourself out of a gigantic hassle because you are work on your own terms then instead of being dependent on what your fellow traveller is doing.

Allright! Time to close the eyes a bit as we are passing (I think) the French shore line on the height of Arcachon. Mini we are!


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