Discover Estonia - the back roads

We managed to spend most of the time away from last weekend and that's quite nice breath of fresh air after all the time spent sitting at home, when most establishments were closed during the epidemic.

We started out at the demolished and forgotten car behind the local garages. The car only asks one thing - "Love Me!", but it gets more derelict as time rolls on.

But it was meant to the fun weekend, and was not meant to be spent behind the local garage feeling sorry for the abandoned, but to enjoy the day and visit multiple locations.

Where to first?`Go swimming? You guessed it! But why just swimming, let's go swimming in style. And what best place to do jumpdives other than Rummu quarry, with clear blue water and rocks as sharp viking axes.

You can step on the rocks near the shores and the next step is already in 5-6 meters deep water - after all, it's a quarry.

The perfect place for jump and dive. I personally never jump head first but some of the other lads do.

I even made it intp a gif for you. There's always something scary in jumping into the water from high places but that's probably why people do it, to get the adrenaline rush. Here's one of the easier starter locations for that :)

A family of swans took interest in what we were doing, so they approached quite boldly.

As they got closer, one of the parents started hissing at us, probably so that we wouldn't have bad intentions about their babies.

And the babies looked really cute. Soft, fuzzy, don't you just want to pick them up and rub yur face in them?

This is where we jumped. We had to take a small break as the swan parent weren't too happy about us creating splashes and ripples near their babies.

Also if you manage to find this place, make sure you don't trip on that tree root, that could end badly, there's some badass rocks down there if you don't jump far enough.

Next spot, more than a hundred kilometers away, Vetla. There's this old watermill, that looks right out of an old movie, and I've been dying to explore it.

Everytime we drive past this location with a hundred on the dash, but this time we stopped the car and checked a bit closer.

Unfortunately, the road to the mill is clearly labeled as private property and exploring has to be postponed for now. Maybe it's just a case of asking for permission, but sometimes the owners use these old buildings as warehouses and don't like strangers to be lurking around.

I googled about this place and it seems to have some pieces of history tied to it.

This was the location where in 1919, a small group of local armed farmers captured and killed a 3-headed red scouting party. These 3 enemy scouts are buried somewhere around here and this small battle was the start of something bigger, namely the start of major Estonian counterattack in the Estonian War of Independence.

You can read more about it here - just use Translate on it.

Later, in the 2000' this place was modernized by a private owner, flooding neighbouring lands and creating bad blood.

Our drive continued through the roads between forests, looking like tunnels, alternating with yellow fields.

We always take the back roads, wherever possible, you never know what you see. This one was a quick and direct drive, so not too many stops on the way, but I guess we got to see some things on the way. I hope you enjoyed some of the photos and I'll gladly share some future trips too.

Now that you have virtually explored some of my home country, you can finally watch some TV. @raili's relatives have this TV installed between firewood, but I guess there is no signal. But on a sunny day you can enjoy the reflection.

Until next time.

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