Sirmione is an land tongue - peninsula island, which is accesable trough the wooden bridge infront of the castle. We always try to visit and eat an icecream at one of the many gelaterias. Its a peninsula with great photography places, i love to go and also they gahve benaculars to see the lake from up close. ofcourse the castle is beautiful aswell.

I wrote about it before, but the water in the lake is very low. About 70-80 cm lower than normal, so also around the island its visible. the walls have the different lines of the water level, and the plants are not under water anymore. We see the differencebecause we visit every year. The beauty is still there and with ferragosto week ithe bridge you see at the beginning was very crowded, but this is the place where everyone enters the island. There is a possibility to enter with car. only when you live there, ( about 5500 people ) or you stay in one of the spa hotels.

I know one of them has a sulfur place that is great for the skin. I never tried it because the hotels are very expensive. Again this is a beautyof a place to visit. we took the boat but there is a ferry option aswell, but you can also take the car and park in one of the many big car parkings before you enter the center. The costs are about 8 euros a day if I remember correcly from last year and than the walk is about 15-20 minutes to the bridge.

Ofcourse there were many cool cars aswell, from the rich and famous. I will share the wheels in another blog. Enjoy the video I made entereing sirmione by foot and ending in the small church near the entrance to light a candle for our loved ones.

ciao 💋

Untill we read again,
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Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

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All images and photographs are created and owned by me so @brittandjosie originals otherwise it will be specified.

Sources used : It is mentioned in my blog.

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