Tidbinbilla Reserve: Canberra, AUSTRALIA

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

My wife loves going on nature walks, but she always meets a touch of resistance from the girls... and I go along with it, but I'm not really a big walker... but on the other hand, I do enjoy it when I'm out there. However, my wife gripes that I walk too slow... I like looking at things, and she treats it more as an athletic exercise instead.

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Anyway, there are many walking trails around Canberra... some in the city areas, but a few like Birrigai that are a bit further out. You do have to drive out to the information station before heading out on the walks.

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

On this particular day, we dropped by in the late afternoon after we had done a day trip nearby. So, we were looking to just do a short walk of an single hour each way... broken up by the promise of a playground at the turning around point.

Thankfully, it wasn't a hot day... chilly with a bit of wind, but with a nice warmth when you were in the sun.

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

... and it was completely clear as well... so, you could see right through to the ranges!

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

Although this is a nature reserve, just across the road you could see the little farmslands with horses and cows. As you are walking along, you would hear the subtle mooing and neighing wafting in on the wind.

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

When I was in Europe, I hadn't realised how different the greens of the plants were in comparison to the Australian greens. In Australia, there is a distinct shade of blueish-ness to it... it was something that would make me a bit homesick, the sorts of little things that you don't notice until it was gone. There is just something very comforting about seeing the familiar colours again!

Birrigai Trails: Canberra, AUSTRALIA.jpg

The ranges around here are full of rocks... both large and small, and there were quite a few outcroppings of larger rocks poking up from the ground. In this particular photo, you can also see the farm animals!

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