Splinterlands Summoner Review - Dragons!


Hello everyone! Lester here! A new season has just begun in Splinterlands and players are getting more strategical and competitive each day. As a beginner, you might think that this game is so complex that you will might have a hard time winning each match. Especially when your opponent has more experience in playing this game than you. But worry not, this post will help you uncover the power of one of the 6 Splinters in the world of Splinterlands - Dragons!

Among the 6 Splinters in the world of Splinterlands, the Dragon Splinters are the most unique. When you play using Dragon Summoners, you can also summon monsters from other Splinters aside from Dragon monsters. Dragon summoners work well with other elements ranging from magic, ranged or melee attack monsters.

No Buff/De-buff

Summoner: Prince Julian
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 2

Summoner: Kretch Tallevor
Rarity: Epic
Mana Cost: 3

Let's start our quick review with Summoners with No Buff/De-buff. These cards are not commonly used in the Novice and Bronze league mainly because they have no buff or de-buff. However, these cards are very useful when the Ruleset is Silenced Summoner wherein Summoners do not give any stat buffs or de-buffs or grant/use any abilities. Prince Julian costs 2 Mana only and you can use your spare mana to summon more monsters. While Kretch Tallevor costs 3 Mana, it is quite advantage to use this card in Bronze league to take advantage of the level of Rare Monster that it can summon. In Bronze League, it can summon Level 3 Rare monsters while other Non-Epic summoners can only summon a Level 2.

Melee Attack Power Buff

Summoner: Archmage Arius
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 5

Summoner: Daria Dragonscale
Rarity: Epic
Mana Cost: 4

Next on our list are the summoners that buff melee attack power. In this category, we have the Legendary Summoner Archmage Arius and Epic Summoner Daria Dragonscale. Their buff effect can be at your advantage if the Ruleset has Equal Opportunity and Super Sneak and you have Melee Monsters with Double Strike Ability like Grund from the Earth Element and Silvershield Assassin from the Light Element. These rulesets will maximize your buff to drastically increase your fire power during the battle.

Melee Attack Power De-buff

Summoner: Camila Sungazer
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 3

If we have Melee Attack Power Buff, we also have Melee Attack Power Debuff and Camila Sungazer is the only Summoner for this effect. You can use this card together with other monsters with Shield Ability like Living Lava from the Fire Element or Frozen Soldier from the Water Element. If you managed to reduce the Melee Attack power of your opponents to 1, then your tank with Shield ability will not receive any damage at all.

Range Attack Power Buff

Summoner: Archmage Arius
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 5

Summoner: Selenia Sky
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 3

Next on our list are the summoners that buff range attack power. In this category, we have again the Legendary Summoner Archmage Arius and another Legendary Summoner, Selenia Sky. If you are not yet aware, there are certain battles that Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles. This is the Keep Your Distance Ruleset. So to increase your the fire power of your Range Monsters, you can use these summoners. Also, Selenia Sky is one of my favorite summoners in Bronze League combined with Range Attack Monsters from Water and Earth Element. These monsters have low mana cost and perfect for low mana cap battles even though the ruleset is Standard.

Range Attack Power De-buff

Summoner: Quix The Devious
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 4

To counter the Range Attack Power Buff, you can use Quix The Devious to negate the effect of Selenia Sky and Archmage Arius. And if ever the opponent mostly used Range Attack Monsters in his/her battle History, you may want to use this summoner. You can also use this card together with other monsters with Shield Ability like Living Lava from the Fire Element or Frozen Soldier from the Water Element same with Melee Attack Power Debuff.

Magic Attack Power Buff

Summoner: Archmage Arius
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 5

Summoner: Delwyn Dragonscale
Rarity: Normal
Mana Cost: 5

Next on our list are the summoners that buff range attack power. In this category, we have again the Legendary Summoner Archmage Arius and Delwyn Dragonscale. You can use these cards together with Monsters with Magic Attack and has the Life Leech ability like Ancient Lich from the Death Element and Bila the Radiant from the Light Element. This Magic Attack buff will increase the attack power and leech ability because monster's health increases each time it damages an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt.

Armor Buff

Summoner: Drake of Arnak
Rarity: Rare
Mana Cost: 4

If you are not yet aware, Dragons have Armor Buff too and currently this is one of the Ghost Cards or Free/Playable Cards in the game. You might want to use this card together with monsters with Repair ability like Armorsmith from the Light Element and Scavo Hireling from the Neutral Element. Because these monsters restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage.

Speed Buff

Summoner: Byzantine Kitty
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 7

Summoner: Neb Seni
Rarity: Rare
Mana Cost: 4

And if you want to maximize the speed of your monsters, you can use these summoners. It will increase the chance of evading melee and range attacks especially when your monster has Flying like Dragon Spirit from the Dragon element with 5 Speed already and Dodge Ability like Serpent of Eld from the Water Element.

Speed Debuff

Summoner: Quix The Devious
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 4

And to counter the Speed buff of Byzantine Kitty and Neb Seni, Quix The Devious has the -1 Speed Debuff.

Other Abilities

Summoner: Byzantine Kitty
Rarity: Legendary
Mana Cost: 7

Summoner: Brighton Bloom
Rarity: Rare
Mana Cost: 4

Aside from Summoners that buff and de-buff basic stats of monsters, we also have Summoners that grants ability to allied monsters. Byzantine Kitty grants True Strike which means your allied monsters will not miss and also, it has Tank Heal that Restores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round. We also have Brighton Bloom that grants Flying ability to allied monster and quite effective when the Ruleset is Earthquake wherein Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

My Takeaway

Dragon Splinters are my go-to line up when ranking up from Bronze league to Silver League. These cards are so versatile that you can maximize the ability and stats of your Dragon Monsters if you play them with other elements.

That's all for this blog and thank you for reading my post.
If you got interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my Game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!

Did you know that you can find a summary of Rulesets and Abilities here - https://splintercards.com. This is a very helpful site and I refer to their ruleset and ability summary for this post.

All images used are from https://splinterlands.com

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