Splinterlands: Battle Mage Secrets :Armored Up

Splinterlands: Battle Mage Secrets : Armored Up.

After the last season reset, my win % rate decreased and I am still struggling to get out of Bronze, though I hold cards good for gold league. Since I resumed the play after a long time, I had to start from the beginning and the formation that might work in Gold does not work in Bronze. I find that Gladius card usage is more prevalent in Bronze and actually, they are strong cards for the Bronze league. Anyway, half of the season is done and I expect to reach Silver in a couple of days. I hope to complete this season in Silver 1 or above so I do not need to play Bronze again.


This week's battle challenge has focused on the RULESET: Armored Up . Due to this ruleset, all units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game.


My strategy for this ruleset is to use the "Strong magic attack" so that the gain of +2 armor does not affect me unless the opponent converts it into "Void Armor". On the same note, my expectation from the opponent team is also sane that the opponent will use heavy magic attacks, so I should use Void, Reflect, and Phase abilities in my team.

Ruleset I got in battle.


Finally, I got up this ruleset but unfortunately, I am limited to 13 mana battle and with Water Summoner only. Since I have to use Water Summoner only, so using IMMORTALIS, one of the Strongest Summoners to play in this ruleset is out of the quest as it belongs to Earth.

My Strategy has become very simple in this battle ruleset is to use "Djinn Oshannus" as a tank, due to its good health, good magic attack, and "void" ability that helps in damage reduction of the opponent's magic attack. Its high swiftness also increases its chances to dodge the melee and range attack of the opponent.

Lets move to the battle.


Above is the screenshot of the team with all the monster and summoner abilities in effect, since my opponent's team selection does not include Djinn, I was confident of my win.


Though Scattershot by the opponent took my tail monster Torrent Fiend,it is no problem to me.


Djinn is now all set to clear the opponent.

Link to Batttle id

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I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.

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