Black and Blue Modern Action Gaming Livestream Twitch Screen.gif

Hello world and fellow Hiveians

Another weekend is here guys and I hope you are all taking a break from the stress and the routine of the week! In the world of Splinterlands, a lot happened these days and the most important one is the End of the Season! If you are renting the majority of your Power like me then you chose a life full of anxiety and worry that your rents are going to be canceled at the last minute! From the other perspective, it's a time that you are going to make a lot of DEC just because this is the End of the season! C'est la vie, let's focus now on the subject of this post, and once again we are going to participate in the Share your Battle Weekly challenge from Splinterlands and the theme for this time is the monster Crypt Beetle.


Review of the card

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Radiated Brute is today's spotlight card and I personally use it at level 3 in this battle but I recomment you to use it at level 5 because it gains +1 additional damage.


The Battle

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In this battle we must play only odd Mana cards, also we've got a really low amount of Mana cap at 15! We can play only Water, Death, and Earth classes!

Team formation & Round 1

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Before I say something about our formation and the monsters I chose, I have to say that its a very difficult situation because we have very low mana and the restrict that we only must play odd cost monsters. So in order to approach this battle you should see the history of your opponent and try to find something that could help you predict your opponent's formation! Otherwise, just try to build a really good winning situation!

The monster I used in the first place was our highlighted monster Crypt Beetle, a pretty good one if your opponent plays only Meele/Range Attack monsters!

In second place we placed Silent Sha-vi and the reason was to

In the last place, I placed the Soul Strangler because of his low mana and high damage output!


Watch the Action!

Now you can see the battle below without having an account at Splinterlands! If you want to see the battle at the game, I will leave a link below! I hope you will enjoy the battle and if you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment!

  • Here is also a link for the battle on the Splinterlands platform: LINK


End of Season Rewards

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Those are my rewards for the end of season plus 4 Dec and 1 Legendary potion extra. I've got some cards as well but nothing too fancy, the most intresting one is the Venari Wavesmith!


  • Don't forget to leave your thoughts and questions in the comment section!
  • If you want to see more of my posts and take participate in future giveaways I am planning, you should FOLLOW me.
  • I will distribute some @lolztoken in the comments!
  • Also, you can check out the @thgaming community for more amazing content and rewards!
  • Images used in this post are owned and open-sourced by splinterlands.com
  • If you didn't join SPLINTERLANDS yet here is my referral link:

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