My Experience with Super Raids in Hashkings

When I started in Hashkings last year I had several questions about the game, how to start, earnings, what is the best investment, roi and many other questions that many have when starting a new NFT game.

Unlike some players who chose to choose to cultivate seeds on the land and harvest their precious BUDS, I chose another path that in my opinion would give a better return and would also be more fun, yes I am talking about RAIDS.

I don't remember exactly when I started in Hashkings but at the time the raids were very profitable, I managed to be in the third or fourth position in all the raids that I participated and daily I got from 10000 to 20000 BUDS, at the time that was the equivalent of $1.5 at $3. Not bad for a day's work fighting a boss, and the best thing is that it didn't take up much of my time since I only had to log in 1x a day and send my avatars to the raids.

But all that is good lasts a short time and this value gradually dropped with the entry of new players who had strong avatars and also because the amount of BUDS distributed by raids was decreasing, but I did not lose hope and despite the fact that happiness ended a few months after I started it was enough for me to recover my investment at the time so even if the earnings were low it would still be 100% profit and that's why I don't sell my avatars and also because the Hashkings team is always working to bring news so I believe that the project still has a great future.

I kept my avatars and participated in raids daily, a few months later Hashkings announced the Super Raids and again I felt excited about the game as I had great avatars and the rewards looked good. You can follow the explanation of the Super Raids in this post: Are You Ready For These Rewards? Super Raids Starts On April 17th!!

After reading it I realized that not selling my avatars was a good decision as now they will be of great help battling in Super Raids, again I can get great rewards battling the boss and also use a part of the earnings to make my avatars even more strong.

The power of my avatars isn't bad and it's also enough to put me in a good ranking, usually I'm between sixth and tenth position and if I'm one of the lucky ones I'll get great rewards.

I mentioned luck because currently Super Raids are divided into 3 bosses, each player can choose only 1 and send their avatars and only 1 boss will distribute the rewards, so winning the rewards will be based on luck.

Each boss has a percentage chance to be chosen.

I choose Boss 3, he has a 39.14% chance of being chosen and this is my strategy for Super Raids currently, I always choose the Boss with the highest chance of being chosen, it can be simple and easy but I had good results like this.

I'm currently in seventh position and there are a few minutes left for the Super Raids to end and the boss to be selected.

my earnings are not like they used to be but they are still good, unfortunately it depends on luck but as I said before, I already recouped my investment so everything is profit and I will use a part to reinvest in this incredible project that is Hashkings.

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