My Rising Star Progress

Like most of you, I sit all day at the computer (I mean on the Internet, okay), and according to Richard Bartle's classification of gamers (want details?) I am "Achiever", so it was natural that Rising Star game appealed to me.

In addition, this game does not require a registration procedure, just log in using Hive Keychain, and you are already in business, and your wallet of "second level tokens" on Hive-engine, or on Tribaldex, or on Leodex (probably, I don’t even know all frontends) is, by definition, ready to interact with your game account.

On the other hand, all that I write here, is logical for any user of Hive, so I will not go into details, everything is already obvious.

this image was generated by neural network

It's funny to say, but now I can't remember exactly when I started playing Rising Star. I think it was in early December 2022, but I'm not sure. In any case, my successes are quite modest, because I move exclusively "on my own", without investing additional funds, this is the Way.
The exception is tokens (and occasionally cards) that I received from good people in Giveaways (and I hope that I will continue to receive!) but in percentage terms, it's just the pleasure of the gift, which affects the mood, not the statistics.

I made this screenshots on

Despite the fact that I have been playing Rising Star for almost half a year, all this time I have been buying cards in the built-in store (not particularly convenient, to be honest), and I have not even tried other options, although I knew about their existence.

And a couple of days ago, just out of curiosity, I wandered into the Rising Star Game Fam project, created, as far as I understand, by respected @foxon.

The interface of this market is quite unusual, in general, it's not what you expect to see when you hear the word "market", but for the wholesale purchase of cards, it is just as convenient as possible. If you already play Rising Star, you know that sometimes (or rather constantly) it becomes necessary to increase some account parameters. In this situation, it doesn't matter how many and which cards you need to buy, the main thing is that they have the required characteristics and cost as cheaply as possible, right? This is where RSGFam helps.

I made this screenshot on

RSGFam gives a similar feed, if you want to buy skill points or instruments for lessons.
And it also shows the trading history for each card:

I made this screenshot on

The login process in RSGFam is the same as in the game, using the Hive Keychain, no keys are required. And after the purchase, a small but pleasant surprise awaits you - an additional bonus in $LOYALTY tokens.
But enough about RSGFam, otherwise people might think that I am corrupt overly interested.

Hmm, I wanted to talk about my gaming experience, but I slipped into a store review and comparison of markets... Although what else could you expect from conversation about a game in the play2earn genre? Certainly not a discussion of graphics or missions. In play2earn, we are primarily interested in arithmetic, so everything seems to be fine with arithmetic in Rising Star.
What else does a person need to be happy? To finally open the Fourth Zone, of course. However, this will only happen at level 200, which I am still very, very far away from.

Well, see you on Country Tours!

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