Educate your children without punishment


The behaviour of the child at the age of development hides behind him a message that must be decoded understand or is the problem.

Some parents sanction their children because of the mistakes they made in order to change their behaviour and not repeat them, but this is false, the child will still make the same mistakes in most cases.
Our children and at this stage of development are building their personality and knowledge:

  • You must prepare your boy (at home and at school) a rich and favorable environment for him to gain self-confidence to build his autonomy.
  • Mistakes are not mistakes, but are learning tools that allow the child to build step by step his creative mind.

In fact, I started this topic from a personal experience that shocked me a great deal. Despite the developments, the "traditional" thought unfortunately persists as well as the obstacle between children: who must hear and apply, and parents: who have the right to judge and transmit knowledge...

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