WELCOME Ecency familly !

Hello everyone, I am very happy to be part of your ecosystem.

Are you ready to know me more?

God gives gifts to all, some know how to dance, others sing. To me he gave me the love of my work ! I am a french teacher named Linda and i'm deeply fond with my noble job! I'm getting my power from my pupils who come to my class full of purness.
What are my educational interests ?
Currently, I am about to finish my master's degree in new educational technologies and I will soon be a researcher in this field.
Here are some pictures from my phone gallery of my pupils enjoying learning thanks to new teaching modern techniques!



What i love most :

Traveling genuinely excites me! The exposure to new places and new people can be really reviving personally and also eye opening to see how other people live.
Here is some pictures of me and my best friend in a place in the Kef region called TABLE OF JUGARTHA (town in the north west of Tunisia) where my true origins come from. ( source : phone gallery)




Nature and camping
I'am passionate about nature! Usually i pick a day to visit new places in the arms of nature. I go with my friends to enjoy 3 days of camping and i forget about the digital world and think about the unknwon mysterious future!

Here is a picture of me camping in Bni metir Jandouba . (source: phone gallery)


Accosiative life

I love being a contrubitor in the advancement of the status of societies today. I adore helping people and in the journey, i will certainly develop many soft and hard skills! This is really interesting!
Here is some picture of the assciative life in our Tunisia: ( source: internet)



Why am i here today?
I am person who hates traditionnal uncreativity. That's why I am enrolled in a specialized training in computer technology in addition to my teaching job!
During this training, I had the chance to discover the world of Web3. And i decided to be like my professor : a decentralized free person.Thus, i chose to enroll and participate in the communities of Hive because i'm more curious about this new digital world.
(source of the last picture: Internet)

Wait for my news ! I have a bunch of ideas !

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