Family Matters ❤️ Honor Your Father & Mother 🎶 #APART


The "hill" we started with.

The last couple of days my parents and brothers came over; sometimes unannounced, but all in good fun. Here in Suriname - and then I'm talking about my family and especially the older generation - family sometimes drops by without an "appointment", because they were "in the neighborhood" and in my family's case, they literally live a couple of minutes away. This has it's perks, because if we ever need anything, we could rely on each other: be it needing a babysitter, a tool, some lemons, we could fall back on each other. Another thing is that we regard family as "hoso s'ma" (housemate in Sranang Tongo; our lingua franca).


Midway through.

There were a couple of reasons why they came by, but one that stood out was that they wanted to help out with something @rarej and I were putting off. It's been more than a month since we've bought sand to elevate a part of our garden and my folks found that if everyone helps out, the faster we're done with that heap of sand and they even brought their own tools. Today, they came by again to help out and that "hill" we had in our backyard has now become a small pile of sand.


Whoohoo! Almost done.

So I'm very thankful for my family, who helps out without even asking. They really want the best for us and they keep telling us that they helped us get ahead of others, so that we could have a better life than they have and I'm taking their life's lessons with me everywhere I go.

Desmond Dekker's song Honor your Father and Mother is a nice classic reggae song, teaching us to honor our parents (family) and be thankful for everything they have and are still doing for us, because without them we wouldn't be where we are now.

Chasse into the backstage! 💃

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