Your True Self || Do You Know Who You Are?


The Truth

At certain points in your life you may claim that your mother knows who you are. Or maybe you would say your father. A popular choice might be your life partner, along with other likely candidates such as a sibling, best friend or maybe even your therapist. But all those options would be wrong.
While it's true that the closest people in your life know you to a certain extent, some more than others, the only one who is ultimately capable of knowing your true self is YOU.

The truth is that each person, being or entity you meet in your life, will ever only know the version of you as they perceive you at a specific period or point in time. Each of these versions represent some combination of fragments of your true self.

The Good

A not so unreasonable reaction would be to immediately think that this is a bad thing, but their is a definite positive and that is adaptability. The ability to fit into different environments and connect with different types of people is what makes human interaction possible. It's what our social connections thrive on, resulting in long lasting and meaningful friendships and even love.

The Bad

The power to adapt is a double edge sword. Committing too much to one side of yourself can lead to losing other parts of yourself. Some might call it an identity crisis.
Imagine you are made up of all the colors of the rainbow, each color represents a unique part of your personality and you live in North-Korea (I tend to escalate things quickly sometimes, go with it). Green is the part of you that loves to be a free spirit. Well, now that color will almost certainly be lost in the void, living in a dictatorship and all, and you will merely be a bunch of colors instead of a full majestic rainbow.

The Conclusion

Nobody but you will ever fully know you. But that's no reason to be sad. It means you can adapt. You can explore each aspect of yourself with different people and in different communities and improve. Personal growth will inevitably follow.
Be sure to pay attention to every color of your rainbow and achieve perfect balance among these traits. And while your doing it, at some point in time, or more if you're lucky, someone will come along that knows enough versions of you to be able to connect the dots and understand YOU.

And most importantly, remember to always be your true self.

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