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Car Crash In Clevia, Suriname 🚗💥👮 Most Exciting Thing To Happen In Ages


Right off the bat I feel I need to say nobody was hurt, even though the shock wave was huge and the damage was pretty extreme.

✋ Before that...

     Those who follow my blog know we've been stranded in Suriname for nearly 3 years, and our day-to-day life is very much like the plot of Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. It's often a struggle to come up with some hot new content for the day when each one seems just like the last.

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     The whole family is bored to death, and we want nothing more than out of Suriname to basically anywhere else ASAP. Each day is a mission to find anything that will shake the day up a bit and put a smile on their faces, hopefully making them all forget how long we've been here for another day.

Creativity With Limited Means 🧠

     Monkey-B was the first person to break us out of the norm with her homemade mask repurposed into a hammock for her Elsa doll. I heard generic background action music playing from her room, and went to investigate, only to discover this.

     She's figured out that when the screen time runs out for one of her educational iPad games, if she doesn't close the app the background music just plays on an infinite loop. So Monkey-B built a mini hammock while listening to some "Mission Impossible" countdown music, a pretty extreme start to the day.

     This are two typical things I see every day. Almost every day is filled with Srey-Yuu, Sreypov, and I working on our Hive blogs and/or ASEAN Hive Community related stuff, with Sreypov choosing her phone and Srey-Yuu the laptop. There's always something going on in the kitchen, and the above vegan cheesecake she is slicing will be available in a recipe post very soon.

👃 The Noni Is Back

     We used to have a noni juice business back in Cambodia, and it's not something we would ever consider doing in Suriname because the vibes here just aren't right for that sort of thing. However, there are plenty of trees, so we've been juicing on a small scale for personal use, so I'm glad to being to consuming this pungent tonic.

The Big Boom 💥

     As we were all working on our blogs, a loud boom startled us all, and the shock wave rippled through the electric lines and vibrated our apartment a little bit. Shortly after that we heard a car reversing up the street at full throttle, then the electricity went out.

     I assumed the construction business next door dropped something on the power lines from their crane truck, or perhaps a heavy item fell from a truck. We had to investigate, so we put on our shoes and headed out to the street. We found a small car with a smashed front end and the electricity post cracked, apparently a high-speed one car accident.

     Our upstairs Cuban approached to see what was going on, and I made her laugh with...

"Ello maneja no bueno. Yo no maneja un carro per que yo tengo una bicicleta."

     She laughed and then walked across the street to get a much more detailed story, but I was pretty proud of my Spanish. We then walked back home and spent the rest of the afternoon without electricity, water, and wifi.


Monkey B

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded