ReggaeJahm Community: Music, APART, Photography Contest, DashOutSunday, food and much more

Hello community Reggaejahm and Hive in general, today I come with a publication in which I want to specify some activities that can develop in this community, especially for new users and even for those not so new but do not know exactly what they can do here ... so let's start.

Every community has its respective themes, Reggaejahm does not escape from this, obviously, there is much freedom in the topics, but as long as they are of original content, it would be best. The main base is reggae music and related rhythms, but not only that, there are other activities that take place here, and you can easily participate, let's start with the first one, DashOutSunday. you can get more information about this initiative here: ReggaeJahm's #DashOutSunday.


Image of my autorshipreggaejahm logo

This Sunday I wanted to prepare a chicken with curry that I left previously seasoned since Saturday in the fridge. I cut it into pieces and then cooked it in a pan with a little oil over a low heat.


Image of my autorshipreggaejahm logo

I also prepared a salad with lettuce, tomato and carrot. Usually the carrot is grated, but in this case I also cut it into squares, just like the tomato, and then I seasoned it with a touch of pepper, mayonnaise and mustard.


Image of my autorshipreggaejahm logo

Finally I served the salad and chicken with rice, and fried plantain, yes, I know that the plantain is too much, but it is something that I like ... and serves to accompany almost any dish, and if not, I try to serve as a companion...🤣


Image of my autorshipreggaejahm logo

Well, this is one of the dynamics in which you can participate in Reggaejahm Community, but that's not all, also the user @barski carries a series of daily photo contests, in which you can easily participate, for example the following:

@Barski announces photo contest - Week on the island - SUNDAY - AIRPORTS - Jahm Coin Source
[@Barski announces photo contest - Week on the island - SATURDAY - BIRD ON WIRE - Jahm Coin Source](

Recently a new dynamic has been announced by @reggajahm:

ReggaeJahm's New Artiste Spotlight Initiative & Tune Sharing Culturend-tune-sharing-culture

In which you can participate, introducing some new artist, making a brief review of him, and sharing one or more of his videos.

Weekly recognize the effort of users in their publications through JAHMIN Posts Of The Week, con el apoyo de OCD COMMUNITY.


Image of my autorship

If you have some photographs that you want to share and you don't know under what pretext, #APART is an initiative that allows you to relate an image with a song, so you can share and activate that creative part you have in you, while you enjoy.

In the community of REGGAEJAHM there is a dynamic that serves very well for all those who like photography, you do not need to be a professional in this area to share good photos, this dynamic is #APART A Picture & A Reggae Tune, created by @dmilliz.

What is it?

It's very simple, some image that makes you think of a specific reggae song, that somehow you can relate it, ready, you have a publication ready to share with an original image and a song by an artist of your interest.

How to participate?

"You can take part in #APART anytime.
Be sure to use #APART
Post your APART content in the Reggaejahm community or on
Tell your friends who love photography and Reggae Music about it.
Have fun and let's get JAHMIN."Source

So there are many options you have to have a good time in this community.

10% of the profit of this publication goes to support the @reggaejahm


I authorize the use of this banner to everyone who wants to do it.

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Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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