It Hit Home 🏠


So it happened, after dodging it for almost 3 years, I got Covid. How did I manage to get it? Take a guess before you read on.

Well it all started in the middle of the night last Sunday July 31st, one of my twins woke up crying from a fever and an excruciating headache 🤕 ( this was the same twin who caught chicken pox and gave it me, had me out for days). We hoped for the best but we were prepared for the worst. Since there was no emergency 🚨 clinics open to check people with symptoms of Covid at that time, we cooled him down with some ice packs and towels until the morning.

On Monday, August 1st ( interestingly emancipation day in Jamaica actually ) my wife took him to the clinic where it was confirmed he had covid-19.

The thing is, there is no isolating a 6 year old kid, after a few hours of rest and medication he received, he was walking around mingling with the other kids and watching tv.

“Hey, you should be resting in the room.
Wear your mask, don’t touch the remote, wash your hands, don’t sit so close.”

It felt bad telling him some of this stuff but deep down we all knew we all would catch it especially since the new strains are super transmissible.

By Wednesday, the second twin went through the same thing, waking up in his sleep crying. Then it was the toddler, then my wife. They all went for a PCR test that day. I would do the same on Thursday. My symptoms started on Wednesday night with a crazy headache, it felt like a hangover in the middle of my brain 10x. I couldn’t sleep as any pressure on the head felt like I was going crazy. This virus is not normal. But we already new that.

At first I wondered why do the PCR test if I know I already have it, but “official” is the order of the day here. And that’s why the statistics seem so high compared to other countries, everyone is testing and it is being reported.

Basically haven’t left my house since last Thursday to get the PCR test and shouldn’t leave until August 13th they say. What is appalling is the app they want you to sign up for that tells everyone around you ( with the app) that a Covid positive person is near via Bluetooth? Oh but your information is private so don’t worry. Then they call and ask to fill out some feedback stuff online.

One “good” thing is that the government will send a care package to each person who wants it. It includes food, drinks, water, toilet paper, sanitizers and other stuff. Of course we checked to bring it all so we can save the can goods for the food shortage narrative. So that’s 5 boxes full of stuff, two delivered so far.


The cost of the PCR test and medicine with insurance was ¥2,960. I have no idea what it would cost without it but compared to a PCR test in Jamaica without meds which is $18,000 JMD, it is quite affordable. No wonder the cases are so low around the world compared to Japan, if I had to pay that much I’d forget about it and many literally cannot afford it. What a money grab. Interestingly I didn’t even have to pay upfront and was told to just stop by and pay when I get better. Imagine them trying to do that in other countries?

Thank God everyone is fine, just a few coughs now but the worst seems to be over, the hard part is keeping 3 boys occupied at home besides watching tv and playing games. Drawing helped a little and reading but anime is their main therapy.

For me, I’ve been organizing my EP, catching up on the Stranger Things series and reading. I also watched the new Predator movie last night, it’s pretty good. I don’t think I can stand one more day indoors, I’ll probably go for a very early morning walk and push ups before the world wakes up.

I do hope you never catch Covid and if you already have, I hope you have gotten better.

And last but not least, Happy 60th Independence Day Jamaica 🇯🇲. Was watching the gala today for a bit with the boys. Keep the culture alive.

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