Dash Out Sunday Week #3 ( The Food Pic Contest )


Home made Pizza.

Happy Sunday! I hope it’s been a great weekend. Today we had some homemade Pizza. Homemade meaning we popped it in the oven at home 😂 but that’s OK, I can still Dash it out. We just got back from the pool with the kids and weren't in the mood to cook. I could have easily lied and said this was homemade though. But thats not me, I Dash Out the truth. Lets dive into the winner of last weeks Dash Out Sunday.

Winner from last week

Last week we had 3 people participate in the Dash Out Sunday contest. Thank you very much, it will take some time for this contest to get up and going but hey, lets enjoy each step of the way.

And the winner is(niyabinghi drum roll!!!)

Congrats @justinparke 👑who shared his ital dish, aloo-channa masala along with some rotis. He posted his pic just in time to enter and his presentation and yum factor was all the way UP! Here is a pic below.

This looks so good, right? @Justinparke walks away with 1 HBD and 750 JAHM!
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Early Birds get the JAHM & HIVE

Well since only 3 people entered I decided to reward the early adopters of this contest. So @missaj and @quinnertronics you both get 1 HIVE and 300 JAHM for being awesome early adopters to DOS. Your dishes were also excellent and I would devour them through my PC screen if I could. See the DOS pics below.


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And now on to week 3


Welcome to the Dash Out Sunday Contest.

Dash out means to show or throw out. Below is a short background of the idea of the contest, 😀

In Jamaican and Caribbean culture, Sunday dinner is the most looked forward to and probably the most extravagant of the week. (Hmmm, but that’s probably Sunday dinner in any country right?) Dishes such as stew chicken with rice and peas, curry goat, oxtail just to name a few,delight many after their church service. ( well, those who do go to church).

With this simple contest I'd like to invite Hivians from all corners of the block to share a pic of their Sunday or Saturday dinner with us in the @reggaejahm community. It doesn't have to be Jamaican or Caribbean food but just made by you or a family member with love. Food brings the people together and while we can't physically taste what the food is like, we can see it and imagine.

Through this contest I hope to get a little more engagement within the community and also attract those outside of the community to Reggaejahm.




  • Post a pic of your Sunday or Saturday dinner in the comments below. Original photos only. They are watching👹.

  • If you bought food you can post a pic and get some votes but it won’t stand a chance of winning. The dinner must be prepared by you or a loved one to be eligible to win.

  • Tell us a little about the dish in a few sentences and anything else you'd like to add.

  • Re-blog and upvote this post.

Feel free to make a complete post about your “Dash out Sunday” dinner in the Reggaejahm community or on ReggaeSteem.io. You can also use the tag #jahm from any HIVE Interface. Making a post is not mandatory.




  • There will only be one winner, and they will receive 1 HBD and 750 JAHM Tokens!

  • Upvotes will be given to all participants based on the community, AKA please vote other peoples’ dinner pics 😂 . I’ll also be giving out some JAHM Up votes and using the @reggaejahm account to give some HIVE votes.

  • Contest ends in 3 days Japan time, but the winner will be announced when this post pays out.The winner will be chosen by me based on food presentation and yum factor.

    Good luck! And let’s “Dash Out” those dinners!

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