Dashoutsunday Lunch

Hello Hivers

The weekend is here again. Actually it’s Sunday afternoon here in Japan. Just had lunch with the boys as we are home without mom today. They had a bit of online Sunday school and played some Minecraft earlier.
It’s post lunch time now and they are at it again, this time with FIFA 18. It’s amazing how the commentators sound like an actual FIFA game is on live.

Sunday Lunch
I prepared some shrimp with garlic, onions, salt, pepper with brown bread rolls.
The precursor to that was some fish tea with vegetables, tofu and fish paste made into balls. Here in Japan, this is sold as nabe soup set in the supermarket so all I had to do was add them to a pot of soup broth(which is also sold at the supermarket)

After having our lunch, we had some warm match milk tea.
Now, as I said earlier, the boys are back to playing video games. I’ll give them some time to relax before I start asking if they’ve finished all their homework for school tomorrow.

All in all, I’m thankful for a relaxing Sunday evening with my sons.

Stay connected, stay blessed
What is your Sunday evening like?

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