My local succulent society spring show

I belong to the Johannesburg Succulent society and they had a show this past weekend: this is held at the local botanical gardens and specialist nurseries and hobbyist growers growers get a weekend to show off their plants and sell to the public. I brought 3 different kinds to sell, sold a few, worked at the hospitality table and tried not to go wild buying plants. Below are a few plants from the exhibition where members show off their treasures and win awards.

Many of the plants I am showing here are slow, difficult to grow and very old. It makes me feel very incompetent because I've killed quite a few of these over time

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Aloe erinacea from the deserts of Namibia and probably 15 or 20 years old

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Leuchtenbergia principis - definitely the biggest that I have ever seen

A huge Gymnocalycium that's part of the botanical garden's collection

A selection of Euphorbia favourites:

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Euphorbia decepta with a bunch of brave aloe seedlings. They germinated and thrive even though this isn't a plant that gets watered often

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Euphorbia clavaroides is a medusoid species that grows in the province where I live

A caudiciform Euphorbia species, In nature the large caudex is underground and only the leaves and flowers can be seen. Collectors grow them exposed and this makes the plant easier to kill but someone is clearly getting it right here

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A giant Euphorbia obesa that's also had a few seedlings germinate at the base

This Astrophytum is really old


Argyroderma only grows one pair of leaves a year: counting the old dry leaves here will give you an idea how old this one is


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This beauty is Tylecodon rubrovenosus also from the Western desert areas.

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Tulista marginata from Ashton and a cute little cactus that germinated in the pot some years ago. I have a few of these and so far, I'm managing not to kill them although mine are much smaller and younger.

I took many more pictures but I'll try and avoid causing death by scrolling. Next time, I'll show the plants that I came home with

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