Variegated Mammillarias? Or are they just stressed out?

Well, some of the seedbeds I planted are bursting, the seedlings no longer fit so I need to transplant and today I am going to show you a little of what I have done, but what surprises me the most is to see that some mammillarias came out variegated, or at least I think so.


As I said I have made the repique (I don't know how to say this word in English) of some seedbeds, mainly those of mammillarias that are the ones that more seeds I sowed and obviously there are more plants, next I show you some Growing trays in which I put them, they are trays that I recycle or to understand me better, I picked them up from the street haha.




But to understand why I think these mammillarias are variegated I will show you how the seedlings look like and these should have the same green color but as you can see they look like a pink color, let's see the plants and their green color.





I honestly have no idea what kind of mammillaria they are, these seeds were also given to me by my friend Fernando so they were not labeled, he just picked them from his garden and told me they were mammillarias, Fernando has too many plants and is not careful writing data or listing his plants, even I fail to keep a good record, in total there are about 8 plants that I think are variegated.




By the way the heat mat arrived a few days earlier than expected, so at this moment which is 3 am it is already in use, but as it is night time and the lighting in my room is very dim because I don't like too much light, I didn't take any new pictures only the ones I took when the package arrived.




And since I mentioned the word recycle, I must confess that I made a small greenhouse with wood and plastic that I had in the house, it is not the best design nor the best quality, but I am sure that it will fulfill its task which is to maintain a more ideal temperature for the seedlings, at least the wind will not hit them as it did until now, I know that if it rains it will collapse, but for the moment there is no rain forecast for at least a month, that gives me time to improve and make a better and more planned one.




That's all for the moment, as soon as I have something new or interesting to share with you I will do it, with respect to the Ariocarpus I haven't made the video yet because it still needs to open the flower, I hope that in the week I can share with you this beautiful moment, see you.

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