I have the greenhouse plastic.

This week I have been a little slow in the garden, I haven't done much but sold some of my plants, succulents and cacti that I had in excess, but taking advantage of the fact that I was working in the garden today I potted up the grafts I mentioned earlier.


Previously I made the mistake of burying the pitahaya too deep and that is a bad idea because it can cause rot, it is best to put it almost on the surface that's why I put something to hold the pitahaya, in a couple of weeks when the roots grow I will free it from the stake.


As I said, I have sold some of my succulents and cacti, for example in this pot I had Stenocereus pruinosus that I took to sell with my friend from the cactus nursery, I took the bigger ones and there were some small ones left in my garden, I will let them grow and I will also take them to sell.


Taking advantage of the free space in the pot I decided to transplant this seedling.


I decided to add triple 17 fertilizer and the coffee grounds to improve the mix, previously the substrate in the pot worked quite well but I don't think the new fertilizer will do the plants any harm.



This pair of plants were in a seedbed that I made with the seeds that my friend Fernando gave me, I thought they were Astrophytum but now that I see them better they don't look alike neither in the external shape nor in the root.



But back to the main seedbed, I am concerned that there are some smaller plants, I will have to work very carefully so as not to hurt those.


I had to leave the house to deliver some pots, and I also went to the shipping company to pick up the plastic for the greenhouse, time passed and when I returned it was a little late, but that didn't stop me from keep working.


This plastic is 10 by 2 meters, and is supposed to provide 25% shade, so I will do some tests before making a larger greenhouse.



I have no idea what this cactus is, although at first glance it is a mammillaria, it might even be a mammillaria gracilis but I need to let it grow to know for sure.


Once I finished the pot looks like this.


I also added two astrophytum asterias, two astrophytum myriostigma and two melocactus matanzanus, just to see if they like this mix, and if they like the place where I am going to put the pot, it is always good to have options and see where you get the best results.




I hope to finish soon with the new greenhouse, it won't be very big but it will allow me to do more grafts on these pereskiopsis, some of them have already a good size to serve as grafting rootstock, but I also have echinopsis and myrtillocactus available.




Mainly what I want to do is to see if the greenhouse plastic that I bought will serve me for what I need, I say this because the price I got was very cheap, too much to tell the truth so I don't expect much to be honest, but I need to do some tests before saying a final opinion, that's why the greenhouse must be ready as soon as possible, anyway in a couple of hours after sunrise I will be able to see the amount of light that the plastic lets through, so wish me luck.

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