Echeveria Azulita, one of my favorites.

Hey what's up community, it's been a few weeks since I've shared photos of my garden, today there's not much to talk about, I'm actually trying to keep all the important stuff for a future post, like when I will transplant the little baby cactus that I've talked about before.


The truth is that today's pictures are only of succulents, I think everyone knows that I prefer cacti but I can't deny the beauty of succulents, and with the rains my plants have grown amazingly, that's why today's pictures were made with the intention of highlighting that beauty.

Starting with this Echevaria Azulita, I don't know if it has a scientific name or not because when I looked for it I couldn't find it, I bought this succulent a couple of months ago but I was having problems because it didn't want to accept my mineral mix, but finally it did and since about three weeks ago it receives water directly from the rain, its growth accelerated and its beauty keeps growing, I love the color it has due to the sun.


It is incredible the size it has, I have read that its size should be a little smaller, but compared to my Echeveria Perle Von, the Echevaria Azulita looks huge, either way they are one of the succulents that I really love for their shape and color.


I have neglected the garden a lot, I have let the weeds grow and the succulents also grow without restriction, many of them have many offspring that I plan to remove in the next few days, for the moment I really enjoy the landscape that they give me every day, I love to see them grow and begin to invade other pots.


Finally I want to tell you that I was about to lose this Echeveria setosa, apparently it likes water a lot, more than normal for a succulent, but well, these are the things you learn with the passing of time, see you in the next post.

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