Hello plantito, plantita! Here is another cactus collection of masterzarlyntv called Parodia. In the Cactaceae family, the genus Parodia contains 63 species of perennial cactus. These plants produce funnel-shaped flowers with rounded, ribbed, and prickly stems that emerge from fuzzy buds at the top. They range in size from little, ground-hugging plants to 1m tall columnar species native to South America's uplands. They are commonly grown under glass in horticulture.

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Look, it has a beautiful yellow flower and another 2 that still do not bloomed. A cutie cactus with a yellow flower!

Here are some basic care for your cactus:

  1. It must be watered once a week in the hottest month.
  2. Must be in the sunlight for 6hrs since they love the bright locations.
  3. Must put holes in the pot for a good drainage system.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

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