Graptopetalum little stars

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Succulents are not known for their super showy flowers. Most of them are about the same shape, size and colours, especially among the same type. And most of the plants is grown for the leaves, the rosettes shape in shades of blue and red, ripples and different textures.

Of course the flowers are an extra bonus. They are cute and it is nice to see them bloom especially if a plant manages to grow multiple flower stems, or the flowers create larger clusters (for example sedum spectabile).

No clusters here, but pretty little starts instead.

Graptopetalum paraguayense

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I am still not sure if I got the name for this one right. The flowers match the ones I saw in Google, but the leaves on my one seem fatter and more compact. The slight differences could be due to the way the plant is grown and the conditions. My one gets quite a bit of sun, lots heat and not too much water. It is a tough one I have to say. I treat all my succulents the same way and some don't look as good :P (not that I do it on purpose).

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The lowers are small, around 1 cm across. But it is the only succulent that I have with the flowers with red spots.

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Did I tell ya it is about the leaves?
I did. They are adorable! Light green with hints of blue and purple. You can see the bottom ones getting a bit red - those are slowly drying up and will die soon. The plant will grow the stem long and longer.
Later on I could just chop it and plant the rosettes all over again to keep them more compact or if they just get too long and start bothering me. Otherwise I don't mind and this is how they grow.

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Propagation is super easy! Chopping the head as I mentioned and planting it all over in a fresh substrate is one way.

The naked stems that are left after decapitating can still produce little babies along the stem, so you can leave them in a pot.

One of the most popular methods to propagate succulents is though leaf cuttings - just take one healthy leaf from the plant, and place it on top of a soil. It will start growing roots of its own and soon after a new plant will show. No need to chop the mother :)
I did that with this one already and have an extra plant.

Lastly - seeds. It takes longer, but you get a lot more plants in one go. That I didn't try and I will not bother.

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Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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