Gracie's twisted braids with extension

Hey guys, I'm really sorry I've haven't been with you for sometime now, like my schedule is really tight on me, hoping to make some amends and promising to get you some candies on my return šŸ¤£.

Yesterday, I was trying to figure up some stuffs when I heard my phone ringing from the couch, I hurriedly went over, picked it up and found out that it was Gracie's mom on the line. She coaxed me into coming over to braid Gracie's hair, Gracie is kinda fond of tantrums and making her hair requires patience but I did suspend my activities and went over, that dude appears to be my friend

And Gracie's mom decided I made some twisted braids with equal edges to be packed neatly and boom we were in for the day's business.

Gracie's mom had gotten 5 pieces of Brazilian wool as an extension and I surely had to shape them to the desired length using my scissors. I applied some hair food to Gracie's hair while her mom did the combing, she appears to be my PA(personal assistant) here.

It wasn't an easy task you know, children get distracted easily and never steady as if their body keeps itching them, I'm pretty sure her mom doesn't a whole lot on confectioneries and juices. I started the braiding and was hoping to finish before sunset but reverse was the case. I spent 8 hours on Gracie's hair and we battled deep into the night


You might be wondering why would a child's braid be so long, actually you'll be amazed with the result. After I was done braiding I was sure to shape the edges equally, burning the rough ends with candle and matchsticks.

I applied the few beads we had as Gracie had lost almost all of them and packed to the desired style, check out the result below šŸ‘‡



And it was a wrap, Gracie's braids turned out successful although I arrived home with pounding headache, took some pain relievers though. Can't wait for your sincere ratings, will be checking them out on the comment section.

Lots of love ā™„ļø by @pearlie123

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