My Daily Rising Star Report #30


Hello again, Rockstars!

This will be my 30th blog post presenting my daily earnings and achievements in Rising Star. 😀

Yesterday, Due to the loss of over 100k starbits from opening packs 😅, I had to sell off a few pizzas and mics to get back to 1 million starbits.


That should be enough to cover it 😅
I'll be able to make em back with the millionaire mission anyways hehe

I learned my lesson that I shouldn't gamble my million starbits because if I lose, I will not be able to do my millionaire mission and that would be a huge loss as that brings me 10k starbits everyday.

The correct approach for now, is to save 100k starbits by grinding missions + the 10k from the millionaire mission.
By doing this, my Million starbits will remain untouched and I will be able to do the millionaire mission everyday.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that. :)

Now let's go to my daily report! 😊

So for my daily report, here's my current status:


Level: 64 (2312/3200 exp)
Fans : 2686
Luck : 1651
Skill : 10396
IM: 19
Total Cards : 80
Ego %: 0

Fans increased to 2165 from 1832 . (400+ drunk fans 🍺)

Luck plummeted to 319 from 1363 (I had to sell my mics to get back that 1 million starbits.)

Skill remained at 10396.

IM remained at 23.

Ego remained at a stable 0%

Missions report:


I've gained 6201 starbits and 117 ego. 🙂
Pretty decent gains, got above 6k in a day. 🔥
That is soon to change though because I sold off my mics 😅😂

I'm gaining exp steadily, so level 75 is about within a 3 week's reach.
I'll be able to buy the much cheaper orchestral instruments by then essentially swapping my mics and buying more orchestrals. 😊

Anyways, that's all for now guys!

Thanks for reading and hope you make a Rising star progress report/blog of your own. I would really love to see it! 😄

Join the Rising Star discord here.
This post still heavily inspired from @jay63 and @curtis90
Thumbnails and pics were made with Canva
Dividers were borrowed from the Rising Star discord. Join here 🙂
Tables were made with Google Sheets
Gif was taken from

Keep on rocking!


rising star banner.png

If this is the first time you've heard of Rising Star and would like to try, consider using my referral link 😁:


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