The Hive Bike is born! | Hit it on the race track!


Since there's nothing exciting going on at CryptoCompany CEO right now except for problem solving, fixing bugs, and day-to-day work, another glimpse into my spare time. In this article I want to show you the first "advertising space" and how I made it.

Short recap:

In the last private post I already announced my leisure project a bit: create an enduro/motocross motorcycle as an advertising platform for our beloved blockchain, find the right sports niche and participate in competitions on a national level in Paraguay.

My goal behind it:

Apart from meaningful leisure activities, I would like to use it to promote the Hive Blockchain. Not only by using the motorcycle and clothing as advertising space, but also, for example, promotional material in the form of flyers for interested people or printed route banners on public race tracks.

But before we continue with the article...

Follow the procedure:


I am looking for partners!

Participating in races requires financial outlay. Travel costs, racing, training, maintenance and wear of motorcycle, protective clothing and some more. To refinance these costs I am looking for advertising partners or sponsors.

Sponsoring is easier than you think thanks to our blockchain. If you would like to see your hive project on the bike - and thus be part of the next hot shit on the chain (and in Paraguay), don't hesitate to contact me!

I would like to take you along the way of the redesign and give you an insight. But of course also the opportunity to grab some space. Hurry! As there are the first supporters like the @brofund or the @hiq.magazine the available space gets smaller.

How could it be otherwise, the first content "print" is of course HIVE. I wanted to dedicate this present and big - but actually I'm not in any explicit direct sponsorship with @hiveio there. But of course: HIVE is the linchpin of the advertising message and I don't care that @hiveio is sponsoring this project in a direct way - actually(?). In every case it's a honor and joy for me to promote our chain! Everyone does what they can do...

The official logo of HIVE actually does not contain ".IO". But since our "hive" is unfortunately not clearly obvious to searchers, I had the feeling to give the recipient of the advertising message the idea that this is a domain. Or at least have them search HIVE.IO on the web. But you know how it is: just "Hive" in the search engine is not enough, unfortunately. (And also "HIVE Blockchain" may not be enough; but that's another topic...). Be that as it may...

I am still looking for a suitable place for the HIVE logo. But this I will probably rather embroider on the seat.

How I made the HIVE lettering:

I did not want to cover the complete fairing with foil. Further, I also wanted no edges of stickers, in the middle of surfaces. Especially not at this point! Where do more eyes end up? I could have had the letters plotted, but opted for my 3D printer, as this is not only more cost effective for me, but is also better and faster to plan, execute and touch up later. There is also the more valuable look as the lettering is now slightly raised from the trim.

I created the letters (mostly) accordingly from a 2D graphic in my 3D program (Blender 3.1) and printed them with my Ender-3 Pro. Letter height 7.5 centimeters, thickness 0.4 millimeters. The layer height of the printer was 0.2 millimeters. Consequently, I crossed 2 layers, which makes for wonderfully flexible print, but with 2 layers (crossed) gives enough bonding strength within the print. The top of the print I glue to the vehicle - so I have a nice print image due to the flat structure of the print bed.

Clean and degrease the fairing (and hands) properly.






To align the letters properly, I built myself a little jig. When the positioning of each letter is correct (with the right side up/down), connect them with Tesa strips. Why did I take exactly these Tesa strips?

Flexible insulating tape would be unsuitable because it deforms too easily and thus changes the positioning of the letters. A very wide tesa tape would have been bad for me, since the cladding is deformed so complex that I would have produced only wrinkles with wide and stiff tesa tape, this tesa structure seemed to me a good mix between flexibility and strength. 3 "struts" lengthwise, 3, 4 crosswise - all worked well.

For the glue, I used a flexible universal glue that I've had pretty good experience with on my motocross boots. It should do a perfect job at this point: good hold, slightly flexible to work with the fairing and removable without residue.

Now place the letter test tape construction and press it nicely into position with the Tea. If the edges are hard, you may need to heat the printed material slightly and shape it. Now you can remove the first letter or the tape around it from the paneling again from left to right, fold it over, coat it with adhesive, then fold it over again, press it on and fix it with the tape.

I always let each letter dry a little before I moved on to the next letter, so that I wouldn't accidentally move a letter that wasn't fixed yet. If it was fixed, I pulled off the tape to the next letter and folded the next letter over.

Eventually, they were all glued down. Here and there, a little glue squeezed out. Perfect! You can rub it off. If you cut along the edge of the letter with a scalpel or razor blade, you cut the glue there. This way you can rub off the glue in front of the letter and the glue under the letter will not be pulled out. Clean edges!

Especially with razor blades you have to be very sensitive. A micro-scratch along the letter here and there is probably unavoidable. But: so I know at least where to position the replacement letter, should one ever be lost in battle. And: who worries about micro scratches on the plastic fairing of his motocross, better buy a Harley and polish paste.

I will definitely prepare the logo as a 3D object soon, so that it can be made available to those who are looking for it.

Post your questions, ideas and comments below or contact me via Discord, username powerpaul!

Greetings from Paraguay!

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