Learning from local national ECommerce and Logistics


Ecommerce has certainly solidify itself in today's economy. However I still think that the way ecommerce is built still very obscure and with lots of unknowns. Some of these unknowns are certainly hard to teach because it has to do with individual variables. So for example, learning or training the quotes for shipping and delivery from whenever is being shipped to any point of the world including #shipping restrictions taxes and tariffs which makes the task incredibly difficult. Is no the same to ship from New York than ship from Istanbul or Sao Paulo.

The pandemic taught us a lot of inner-city commerce and surely was simple enough that the logistics were fixed to a part of the city where the delivery can do their work without running out of gas. And the vendor was comfortable enough to rely in a technology that made things easier.

That said, it most have been a lot of work and algorithms in the work to calculate the km connecting to some mapping geolocation API and come up with the decision to show the store to the consumers or not. That way you wont see a bagel store on east Brooklyn when you are in Mt Vernon in Queens, all withing the same New York city.

For the record I am not the biggest expert in #eCommerce. I have never owned and e-store although ironically I have code several, even a Marketplace once. However the part that has caused me a lot of issues is the non-digital part. The inventory management, packaging, labeling and shipping in an organized manner.

This is what most eCommerce tutorials don't talk much about it and here is where I struggle to convince commerce to set up. True, now many more businesses use large platforms like Amazon or Uber eats to serve costumers around the world. But independent eCommerce still a thing and still a challenge that some business want to implement.

Hive also has a eCommerce platform with Hive Store and Wavio, however there till a lot of things that the user needs to learn beside the blockchain. Maybe is the logistic AI to calculate shipping, perhaps is the packaging and labeling training they need to do to their employees. Or in the freelance market, perhaps is what they need to learn themselves.

These are the stories and communication I would love to have online with people that mange eCommerce around the world and self provide their own infrastructure.

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