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In These Difficult Times, A Prayer for the Children

Rev. Sarah here... with a few thoughts concerning a particular group of children who are particularly at risk, during these times of COVID-19 and various forms of quarantines and forced isolation.

When I went to bed last night, just as my head hit the pillow I could hear God telling me that I wasn't done yet; that I needed to ask people to pray for the children.

"What children, Lord? Because we are. So WHAT are you talking about? I'm tired, so please be specific. It's the weekend, and ..."

Then it hit me.

I used to dread weekends when I was a kid.

No food. And a screaming mother who would randomly beat me simply because I was there.

I went downstairs to my husband's office and explained to him that I couldn't see the keyboard, I was so tired, but would he ask for prayers?

He would hold space for me so I could explain, in my raw way, that there will be consequences to this virus because of different sicknesses that can't be tracked or cured by anything but compassion and consciousness.

Please pray for the children who are isolated from help, living with monsters and no food.

Sadly, this is very likely a completely overlooked "at risk" group: The innumerable children from abusive homes who have typically depended on schools for a daily measure of shelter, food and genuine care... but who now find themselves forcibly "quarantined" with the very people they have sought daily refuge from.

They are hungry. They are afraid. And they cannot turn to the people they are with...

Pray for them.

Bright Blessings, and stay safe out there!

You are not alone!
(Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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