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Meditative Reflections - Intermittent fasting knock on benefits

I'm intermittent fasting today, which means I'm currently hungry as I'm skipping breakfast, which I'd usually be eating round about now (8.25 a.m).

My base motivation for fasting really is quite base - I'm having a few days off running due a slight injury and I don't want to gain weight.

However, - I'm also finding there are other benefits too:

Now I've disciplined myself to give up one thing, eating for a while, it makes giving up other 'habits' easier too - so while I maybe hungry, I'm also in 'self-discipline' mode which means I'm find it much easier ATM to control my urge to give into my usual varied distractions such as:

  • Splinterlands
  • Checking email and other social media
  • Playing around on the exchanges
  • Generally just idling about on Hive
  • Getting up to make a cup of tea (although I'm sure that will come).

As a result I'm crunching through my daily chores list much faster than usual, and I'm not even minding being hungry, in fact I can feel that my stomach is appreciating the break.

I'm not sure why changing one thing makes it easier to change everything else? Maybe it is because eating is so fundamental to our being, and so inherently 'comforting' (temporarily) that it's the perfect hook for other bad habits (like micro-distracting activities) to cling to?

I don't know, or perhaps this is all just ego 'I' get a boost out of cranking up the self-discipline several notches rather than the middle path.

Actually it's probably both - the first is true, the later the possible pitfall.

Anyway, I guess this is something to be thankful for: my slight injury misfortune means I have no choice but to cut my food intake down, and then there are knock on benefits - my quality of consciousness and self-discipline are very much improved today!

I'll be spending a few more minutes sitting on this, for sure!