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We are all Starseeds ๐Ÿ’™


I'm going to tell you a big secret. .... The truth is that we are all starseeds - we all originated not here on Earth/ Gaia but at the source of creation. We've all had many lives elsewhere, and we are ALL beautiful love-filled angelics, since we all descended from source through dimensions and realities. We are all beautifully unique beings of love/ light and light/love, contrary to what the inverted 3D system told us. ๐Ÿ’™

Let me also add that the term "Starseed" is being bounded around a lot as a badge of ego. It's being used by some to indicate that they are somehow above others, superior, and all those other spiritual ego things we find. On the flip side, many people think that starseeds do not exist and that's it's a bunch of crazy "woo-woo". Then there are those who shout "false light" every time they hear/ see something they do not or cannot inner-stand. All of these perspectives are super removed from the truth, but are stages of belief/ disbelief that we may go through. Until we come to a place of KNOWING. Saying this, I respect everyone's perspective. My truth and your truth may be entirely different and that's OK. The keys to ascension include acceptance and mastering of our own energy and sovereignty. Sovereignty means accepting other's sovereignty as much as your own. If we cannot acknowledge each other as sovereign beings, there is resistance and we will be blocked.

It took me a while to accept these concepts: I definitely feared it and labelled it false light for quite a while. Religious programming and past life wounds (like witch wounds from times of persecution) can conjure up a lot of fear and push back to awakening to our whole being. Some starseeds were not earth-bound before this incarnation so they come with more memories and gifts intact, and do not have past life trauma from earth in their system, but then they struggle with being here and may be deeply misunderstood. I am one of the earth-bound ones. I have been earth-bound for quite some time. ( I think my soul would say WAY too long - this is a common thread amongst activating starseeds).


Activated starseeds are advanced spiritual beings and souls that had many lives on other planets, solar systems, and dimensions. These souls carry a multitude of wisdom within, along with special abilities and gifts. Every starseed, regardless of which systems/ dimensions they identify with, carry activation codes which are designed to unlock gifts and knowledge in divine timing. At this time - of course - all activating starseeds are focused on assisting humanity, the animal kingdom, and GAIA herself with the ascension to 5d and into the Golden Age, as predicted by many indigenous peoples and mystics. Some call them the rainbow warriors.


Before incarnating, starseeds answered the call to be โ€˜seededโ€™ into specific civilizations, predominantly those with darker sides to them. This is really one way to separate the wheat from the chaff. Starseeds in service know darkness and do not avoid talking about it. They are likely to be truthers or be interested in conspiracies etc. In fact, they know that the light only gets in by shedding light on the darkness. This group of starseeds are ancient and have had both predominantly dark and light incarnations - and everything in-between. They are not perfect or always happy, just like humanity in general. They will be aware of the dark agenda and the inverted system in this reality. There is this "false light" belief that to be highly spiritual we always have to be positive and "nice'. Again, I think this has a lot to do with religious programming. I was brought up Roman Catholic myself and it took me a long while to deprogram myself from false beliefs around virtuosity and obligation, amongst other things.

As the 3d system crumbles, many starseeds are activating in order to assist the birth of this new higher frequency reality with their gifts and with their frequencies. This is the first time that ascension has happened like this on earth - with the whole plane(t) ascending, so there are many of us here. Like our human selves, starseed origins and makeup are also unique, but their overall mission involves making new pathways for innovation, healing, creativity, understanding, expansion, and the ascension of GAIA. Starseeds here now volunteered to come to Earth to uplift the planetโ€™s vibration, ready to propel humanity, Mother Gaia, and nature into the Golden Age through creativity, peace, love, and divine healing. Resurrection of the divine feminine and divine masculine are part of this, of course.


Some starseeds are innovators, healers, teachers, counselors, and wise elders amongst us. Some are here to keep their frequency and you may never know that you were standing next to a high frequency ancient being, who may or may not have a frequency that activates you into a deeper knowing of yourself. You may work with some of them, meet them in the park, or chat with them over a beer in the pub. Starseeds did not come here for the illusion; they did not come here to become famous (although they might do), to be worshipped (cringe) or to feel superior (a definite no-no). They KNOW that they are here to serve creation itself. They do not stray too far from their mission, but they are human, of course.

Each one of us has a light body blueprint which contains coding about ourselves - our lives, our lessons, our gifts, our frequency, our mission. Not one person is more important than another. We are one, right? But the starseeds who are activating their light bodies now came here at this time to assist in a myriad of weird, wonderful, and magical ways. It's in their blueprints.

I found this article that lists common "origins" of starseeds. It's not a definitive list but a jumping off point. I don't actually identify with just one type; I have had incarnations as several, but ultimately we all came from source/ God/ creation, so it's fascinating, but not important to me as an identifier.

The point for me of identifying as a starseed is just to be a beacon for others who heard the call. Do you agree? Or do you identify strongly with one race? I'd love to hear your perspective. ๐Ÿ™

Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ˜€


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