The Real Journey Is Right Here

Good day folks, #GMfrens.

Since late July this year, i have hosted many work-exchange'rs here at #Atmanna, my home and conscious community retreat centre to be, in #Bulgaria.

There have been up to 5 guests here, mostly an average of three. Now the season for me is almost over, with garden beds and greenhouses put to bed for the winter, with fruit and veggies preserved in the cellar, and with the last volunteer leaving tomorrow. Many thanks to all who have helped.

We had a Halloween party here on Monday, lot's of people, some dressed as ghosts.

There were some prizes (yet to be claimed) for coming to the party dressed as a ghost. There are 5 or 6 prizes of 2 $GHOST (a privacy crypto currency) to be claimed. Read more about why i offered these prizes here:

Now, i've been pondering what to do next, where to go for the winter. The last 2 years i stayed put as i chose not to comply with, and therefore give energy to, #thepowersthatshouldntbe and their #massmurdering travel requirements. But now, it looks like i'm free to travel.

i expect over Christmas i'll travel to UK to see family and friends. Before or after that, who knows, Turkey, Portugal, Austria maybe, and maybe Thailand, India, Nepal. All are up for consideration.

And then this morning, i read this:

Source (Insight Timer Rumi Group)

Let's see if this hermit chooses to venture out of his comfortable space to push beyond the edges of his comfort zone, whether that be at home or traveling.

Are you planning on travelling (within or without) this winter?

Sat Nam

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

#archon #lotus #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #PGM #OneUp #m8s #matrix8fixesthis #thoughtfuldailypost #vyb

Ps. Would you like to have some fun and help save the world while doing so?

If so, please Join The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A's Group on Telegram and potentially pre-mine $KLU

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