rostro humano

Para mi es un placer poder contribuir con el desarrollo de los talentos de mis alumnos y en este caso me toco practicar un rostro con carelvis, una alumna de 12 años de edad muy talentosa y quien ya lleva 02 años en clases conmigo.
For me it is a pleasure to be able to contribute to the development of my students' talents and in this case I have to practice a face with Carelvis, a very talented 12-year-old student who has already been in classes with me for 02 years.


A carelvis le gusta mucho el dibujo de rostros en blanco y negro y disfrutamos mucho trazar lineas claras para posteriormente sombrear
Carelvis really likes drawing faces in black and white and we really enjoy drawing clear lines to later shade.


Una de las debilidades que ha tenido esta pequeña ha sido el trazo para dar expresion a las pestañas, para ayudarla realizamos unos ejercicios de trazos en lineas curvas y posteriormente plasmamos trazos claros para luego trazar lineas oscuras
One of the weaknesses that this little girl has had has been the drawing to give expression to the eyelashes. To help her, we performed some drawing exercises in curved lines and then we created light lines and then drew dark lines.


Estuvimos practicando otro tipo de rostro para evaluar los avances de la pequeña y quedamos satisfechas al igual que el trabajo que hicimos con sebastian otro alumno que esta creciendo en aprendizaje en tecnicas de dibujo
We were practicing another type of face to evaluate the little girl's progress and we were satisfied, as was the work we did with Sebastian, another student who is growing in learning drawing techniques.




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Sebastian ha ido avanzando considerablemente en el dibujo de rostros, me siento muy feliz de poder apoyarlo a pulir su su talento por que se que se ha esforzado muchisimo para alcanzar mas detrezas con el lapiz de grafito.
Sebastian has been making considerable progress in drawing faces, I am very happy to be able to support him in polishing his talent because I know that he has worked very hard to achieve more skills with the graphite pencil.


El avance de mis alumnos me llena el corazon de satisfaccion al saber que estoy colocando un grano de arena para el desarrollo futuro de grandes artistas
The progress of my students fills my heart with satisfaction knowing that I am placing a grain of sand for the future development of great artists.

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