Another day closer to hivefest.
Today we spend time with cousins
that ever lasting blood.
the joy of children playing
a perfect day in an apple orchard.
running, shouting, laughing, fighting
i see it and have vague nostalgia of my childhood.
of a simple time
when my parents brought me places to meet family
my job was to play and not misbehave
but part of play is misbehaving i now see.
parents present there kids with catch 22's
be good but have fun
everyone knows how fun it is to be naughty.

sometimes i just want a switch day.
i get to play
and the kids do all the arranging
someone to hand me water when im thirsty
someone to feed my face when im hungry
some one to hold my hand and walk me to the bathroom and wait outside in case i need any help
i want a care free day where i live in abundance, provided for by a bigger than me body, a protector to watch over me.
someone to stop me from doing dumb stuff.

ahh to dream,
to look at these beautiful creatures, these cousins, to see them play in front of an epic sunset that they could care less about.
that is what i get
that is my joy
I am dad
i am protector

music by Kaldera, the band of the Butt

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