Where did Satan first go to when he was cast out of heaven? (Part 3 of 3)

Where did Satan first go to when he was cast out of heaven? (Part 3 of 3)

Lessons from this Brother Eli's video:

When the evil spirits entered the pigs as Jesus gave them permission, the pigs preferred to die instead of living with the evil spirits (Mark 5:13). Even the man that had the evil spirits was not comfortable as we see, he was crying and cutting himself with stones (Mark 5:5).

It was Adam that invited Satan through sinning against God. (Romans 5:12). He was given a good opportunity to live a good life and multiply by eating good food and fruits in Eden.

The casting down of Satan that is mentioned in Revelation 12:9 is a future event that will come after the delivery of the male child who would rule the world with an iron rod. In Genesis 3:4, it was a mere serpent that was mentioned, but in Revelation, it was called the old serpent and a great dragon.

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